Nineteenth Century Lithographs Of Egypt By David Roberts.

Below is a small selection of nineteenth century lithographs of Egypt By David Roberts R.A. They were produced for an illustrated book called "Egypt & Nubia " with drawings made on the spot by David Roberts; The lithographes were produced by Louis Haghe, and published between 1846-1849.
Many of the watercolour sketches seen here were eventually compiled into oil on canvas works by David Roberts who emerged as a leading orientalist painter in the nineteenth century.

Interior of the Temple of Aboo-Simbel November 9th 1838, by David Roberts, R.A.

The Great Temple of Aboo-Simble, by David Roberts, R.A.

Baalbec May 7th 1839, by David Roberts, R.A.

Approach of the simoom-desert of Gizeh by David Roberts, R.A. Published between 1846 and 1849.

Front elevation of the Great Temple of Aboosimble.

Luxor December 1st 1838.

Temple at Karnac.

Portico of the temple of Kalabshe by David Roberts, R.A.

The Great Sphinx and pyramids of Girzeh July 17th 1839.

Thebes December 4th 1838 by David Roberts, R.A.

Grand entrance to the Temple of Luxor.

Portico of the Temple of Edfou, Egypt November 23rd 1838.

Pyramids of Geezeh by David Roberts, R.A.

Dendera 1838 by David Roberts, R.A.

Excavated Temple of Gyrshe.

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