American Advertising Posters From The Late 19th Century.

Advertisement for Dr. D. Jayne's tonic vermifuge, showing Moses held in a basket, 1889.

Advertisement for Prang's Valentine cards showing a woman holding a group of tethered cherubs, who float like a bunch of balloons above her. Produced for L. Prang & Co.,Boston 1883.

Advertising print from the 1890's showing a well dressed young woman, seated at a table, holding up a glass of Coca-Cola, next to a "Drink Coca-Cola 5 cents" sign.

Advertisement from 1885 for International brand baking powder, Manufactured by the Queen City Chemical Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Poster shows a cat, captioned "Tom's nap interrupted by International brand baking powder", awakened by bread rising.

1892 advertisement for the Anheuser Busch Brewing Co., The Poster is captioned "The hostess" and shows a woman, wearing a necklace bearing the Anheuser Busch insignia "A", holding a bottle of Budweiser beer with a German label.

Advertising poster for Newsboy Cigars, manufactured by Brown Brothers, Detroit 1894.

Captioned "Up and going", this poster for Excelsior Ginger Ale was printed in 1885 by John Klee, Dayton, Ohio, and Joseph R. Peebles' Sons, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Poster to show the Pullman service compartment cars. The poster shows the interior of the dining cars on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad in 1894.

Advertisement for the Sheboygan Boot & Shoe Co., showing a scene at a Native American camp, with a woman outside a tipi, holding up a baby for a man on horseback. Below are a bird's-eye view of the city, and a view of the factory entitled "from a true photograph".

Advertising poster for a free harbor jubilee at Los Angeles and San Pedro on the 26th and 27th of April 1899. The poster shows a woman in a jewelled dress blowing a horn in front of an aerial view of the port of Los Angeles, California, with Railroad lines connect Los Angeles and the bay.

1886 advertisement for Oberne Hosick & Co. hard water soap, showing a woman at a well, using soap in a tub with a washboard.

Poster for the Globe Tobacco Company proclaiming Chew Globe fine cut 1885.

All posters in this collection courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

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